Health GTS Health GTS

Camp community perceptions on Covid-19 in Cox’s Bazar

The 34 camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh are some of the most densely populated areas in the world, housing some 860,000 Rohingya refugees who have fled their native country to seek protection from persecution and violence. Fears of a deadly coronavirus outbreak prompted a swift government-issued lockdown in March 2020, with humanitarians having to limit operations to essential services only.

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Health GTS Health GTS

Covid-19 response

As the Covid-19 pandemic took hold, we knew that listening to community feedback about what worked and what didn’t would be more important than ever when humanitarians, health workers, governments, and others came together to combat the virus.

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Health GTS Health GTS

Perceptions of Covid-19 in Iraq

As a part of our global initiative to gauge perceptions on Covid-19, we have partnered with the UNOPS Iraq Information Centre (IIC) to hear what refugees, returnees, and IDPs have to say about the response to the pandemic.

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