Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on cash and voucher assistance
Covid-19 has sparked an economic crisis that will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable members of society, particularly in humanitarian contexts. The Cash Barometer project explores its economic impact, helping humanitarians to better understand its various effects, as well as to what extent recipients’ perspectives inform cash and voucher assistance (CVA) responses, on two levels: global and in-country.
Perceptions of Covid-19 in Central African Republic
In the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions has worked with UNICEF to track the perceptions of affected communities and other key actors on the humanitarian response to Covid-19.
Using feedback to inform the Covid-19 response in Zimbabwe and Lebanon
Ground Truth Solutions, in partnership with the British Red Cross (BRC), provided remote support to the Lebanese Red Cross Society (LRCS) and Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS) to put in place mechanisms to tap public perceptions about Covid-19.
Perspectives on the Grand Bargain
Ground Truth Solutions worked with the OECD Secretariat from 2016 to 2019 to provide people affected by crisis with a way to assess progress on humanitarian performance.
Supporting the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the Balkans
As part of the Action of Red Cross on Integration of Relocated and Resettled Persons (ARCI) project, Ground Truth Solutions provided support to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Croatian Red Cross (CRC) and the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC).
Third-party monitoring in northern Nigeria
Since 2018, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)-funded North East Nigeria Transition to Development (NENTAD) programme has provided regional assistance for people affected by crisis including in education, treatment of malnutrition, food, and protection to the populations affected by the ongoing armed conflict in the states of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa.
Reducing the risks of abuse of power by financial service providers
Humanitarian cash programming comes with inherent risks. With its increased use, organisations are rightly becoming more attuned to barriers and challenges that affected populations face. This includes abuses of power by financial service providers as well as the ability to voice complaints and share feedback.
User journeys of mobile money recipients in Burundi
Billions of dollars in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programmes are delivered annually to populations affected by conflict and natural disasters to enable them to meet their basic needs.
Improving user journeys for humanitarian cash transfers
Humanitarian agencies today increasingly deliver cash to affected people, using a growing number of mechanisms to transfer money. From digital payment systems to more traditional methods of delivering funds, there is still much to be learned about how well these systems can meet recipients’ needs and satisfy their preferences.
Perceptions of refugees, IDPs, and asylum seekers on the move
As part of the Mixed Migration Platform (MMP), we surveyed over 4,000 refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, and Austria in the course of 2017.
ICRC community engagement in Afghanistan and the Philippines
Ground Truth Solutions partnered with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to track and understand the perceptions of people who receive assistance, as well as the larger communities affected by crisis. The collaboration was launched in early 2017 with a focus on the Philippines and Afghanistan.
Listen Learn Act – Improving compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard
From September 2015 to April 2017, DanChurchAid, Save the Children Denmark, and Ground Truth Solutions jointly implemented the Listen Learn Act project.
The Client Voice and Choice Initiative
To meet the strategic commitment of becoming more responsive to clients – people affected by conflict and disaster around the world – the International Rescue Committee (IRC) launched the Client Voice and Choice Initiative (CVC) in April 2015.