Perceptions of Covid-19 in Central African Republic
People around two water points in Markounda, one of which has been repaired by the ICRC in 2017.
In the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions has worked with UNICEF to track the perceptions of affected communities and other key actors on the humanitarian response to Covid-19.
With support from Africa Polling Institute (API), phone surveys were conducted with over a thousand people in several regions of CAR. in addition to around 500 in-person interviews conducted in the capital Bangui. Key information was provided to the Ministry of Health and the humanitarian community on how to contextualise and shift the Covid-19 response by understanding communities’ views on key dimensions such as information awareness, trust, economic impact and other factors influencing behaviour.
Additionally, with the support of the hotline operated by the Danish Refugee Council(DRC), four rounds of phone surveys with 40 key informants (community leaders, health staff, social workers, religious leaders) were conducted in more than 20 locations between June 2020 and February 2021. The perceptions collected on information sharing, preventive measures and the economic impact of Covid-19 helped humanitarian actors to inform their response.
Covid-19 insights
Central African Republic - February 2021 - Bulletin - French
Central African Republic - October 2020 - Bulletin - French
Central African Republic - August 2020 - Bulletin - French
Central African Republic - June 2020 - Bulletin - French