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Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Rights, information, and predictability: Keys to navigate a complex crisis
Rights, information, and predictability: Keys to navigate a complex crisis
User journey personas of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
User journey personas of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Exploring the user journeys of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Exploring the user journeys of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Community reflections: The cumulative impact of keeping people informed
Community reflections: The cumulative impact of keeping people informed
Perception survey of aid recipients in Somalia
Perception survey of aid recipients in Somalia
Strengthening accountability to affected people - Somalia round three
Strengthening accountability to affected people - Somalia round three
Somalia: field perspectives on the Grand Bargain - Findings from round 2
Somalia: field perspectives on the Grand Bargain - Findings from round 2
Grand Bargain: field perspectives 2018 - Key findings and recommendations
Grand Bargain: field perspectives 2018 - Key findings and recommendations
Perspectives from the field: Survey of local partner organisations providing humanitarian aid in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, and Uganda
Perspectives from the field: Survey of local partner organisations providing humanitarian aid in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, and Uganda