Understanding community perceptions on sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine
Photo: Croce Rossa Italiana/ Italian Red Cross
Since the Ukraine conflict escalated into a full-scale war on 24 February 2022, the number of people who are displaced and/or in need of humanitarian aid has risen drastically. Many of them – especially those with intersecting vulnerabilities – face protection risks, including sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). Despite large-scale awareness campaigns and sensitisation efforts, there is a sense that full recognition of these risks remains low among affected people and humanitarian actors.
As of November 2023, SEA incidents are likely underreported, rising concerns about absence of community-driven awareness-raising initiatives, trusted complaints and reporting channels, or potential barriers hindering SEA reports. It is not clear how crisis-affected people and humanitarian workers understand protection against sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and the difference between SEA and gender-based violence (GBV). Limited awareness, non-humanitarian reporting structures, distrust in reporting mechanisms, fear of consequences, and unknown barriers may contribute to the lack of reporting.
Our work
Ground Truth Solutions initiated an 8-month project in November 2023, funded by World Vision and International Rescue Committee, with the aim to understand affected people’s knowledge and attitudes towards PSEA and SEA reporting within the broader context of humanitarian assistance. It explores perceptions of misconduct, whether they can identify cases that would be classified as SEA or GBV, what trusted mechanisms for reporting exist or need to be created, the intersection with the submission of complaints and feedback, and narratives and rumours that exist around these concepts.
This knowledge will be used to identify opportunities to raise awareness on PSEA and design trusted reporting mechanisms with those for whom they were established to protect, contributing to more trusted relationships between Ukrainians and aid providers.
World Vision, International Rescue Committee
Project partners
World Vision, International Rescue Committee, NGO Girls, Technical PSEA Working Group, Fama Agency
Anja Piskur, Project Lead