Cash Barometer in the Central African Republic
Photo: iStock
The Cash Barometer launched in CAR in 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where we sought to capture the voices of market traders and CVA recipients in the context of the developing crisis. Since then, CVA significantly scaled up in CAR, making it even more critical than ever to ensure the voices of CVA recipients are heard.
To support efforts to improve programmes based on the views of recipients, the Cash Barometer in CAR has conducted large quantitative surveys, as well as targeted qualitative research on people’s experiences when receiving cash or vouchers, as well as the protection risks they face at different stages of the process. While the recipients we spoke to appreciate their autonomy and feel less dependent on others, they feel that targeting is unfair and that unclear communication around selection criteria can lead to tensions among community members and feelings of insecurity. People also feel unsafe while travelling to distributions, waiting at distributions sites and after distributions. They demand safer and more dignified access to aid, more direct communication with aid providers, and increased accountability of all stakeholders such as the vendors who exchange vouchers for goods.
Cash Barometer data collection and analysis are always followed by a dialogue about the results with both communities themselves and aid providers, as well as workshops on how to turn these findings into action.
Central African Republic - Kaga Bandoro - July 2023 - Report - English
Central African Republic - December 2022 - Full report - English
Central African Republic - March 2022 - Full report - English
Central African Republic - October 2020 - Report Cash assistance during COVID-19 - English
Central African Republic - August 2020 - Cash Barometer Analysis - English